All the books of the Old and New Testaments, given by divine inspiration, are the written Word of God.

Jesus lived a sinless human life and offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all people.

The Holy Spirit is coequal with the Son of God. He is present to make people aware of their need for Jesus.

God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe. He has existed as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Haben Sie nicht Lust in unseren musikalischen Gruppen mitzumachen? Wenden Sie sich bei Interesse gern an unseren Kantor Tom Zierenberg. Über Ihr Interesse würden wir uns sehr freuen!

God, by His Word and for His glory, freely created the world from nothing. He made people in His own image, as the crown of creation, that people might have fellowship with Him.

Our weekday and weekend gatherings take a lot of people to make them work, from ushers to greeters, youth and adult group leaders, our care ministry and everywhere in-between.

We seek and are committed to building relationships and have intentional and strategic partnerships where we can work alongside the work God is already doing in our city.

We believe God has called us to be a church that that follows Him by turning our hearts and our focus to global communities by serving our neighbor where they are.